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"It Tastes Like Weekends At My Grandma's"

While out running errands to stand up Cedar Fox Mercantile and Bakery, I had a lovely conversation with a couple of people about my baking. Coconut cake was brought up, and how you don’t really see it anymore. It’s a common theme I’ve noticed with some classic bakes our parents grew up eating…they've stopped being passed down to the next generation. Things like coconut cake, chess Pie, hermit cookies, salt bread…the list goes on and on.

Part of my "why" for starting Cedar Fox is so I can resurrect some of those forgotten treats and give them equal billing with today's popular flavors. I also look forward to sharing some of the amazing bakery standards that our family fell for during our European travels and exploring places I've yet to visit through research and baking.

Breaking bread together builds relationships. When we gather around the table or around a farmers market stall, conversations flow. Stories are shared and lives are knit together. It’s beautiful - AND it’s how we’re going to eventually heal our communities. Understanding doesn’t come from isolation or from words waxed eloquently & fired over the bow of social media. Understanding comes from walking alongside one another…doing life together...considering life from the shoes of another and being vulnerable enough to hope they do the same for you.

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